All functions |
This function computes interquartile range (IQR) for a SpatRaster |
This function computes interquartile range (IQR) criterion, which can be used as a criterion for outlier detection |
get max index for each row and convert into linear index |
Compute the weighted coordinates of a spatial unit based on nearest neighbors used during PCoA |
compute alpha and beta diversity metrics from pixel data corresponding to spectral species extracted from a window |
apply alphabeta_window to a list of lists |
prepares data to run multithreaded continuum removal |
apply kmeans to information extracted from an image and corresponding to a window |
explores performances of biodivMapR for different numbers of clusters |
performs SFS to identify combination of input variables maximizing a criterion |
apply biodivMapR (computes clusters + diversity metrics) to an image chunk |
computes diversity metrics from raster |
center and reduce data matrix based on known mean and SD |
Checks if the data to be processed has the format type expected |
cleans dataframe from NAs and Inf values |
compute bray curtis dissimilarity matrix corresponding to a list of kernels (rows) defined by their spectral species (columns) SSDList is a list containing spectral species distribution for two sets of kernels pcelim is the threshold for minimum contributin of a spctral species to be kept |
compute the nearest neighbors among kernels |
compute mask based on interquartile range criterion applied on input rasters |
Computes continuum removal for matrix shaped data: more efficient than processing individual spectra the convex hull is based on the computation of the derivative between R at a given spectral band and R at the following bands |
defines the number of pixels per iteration |
define Water Vapor bands based on spectral sampling of original image |
Compute kmeans from random subset of pixels extracted from an image and a list of values for k |
extract pixel information from a raster based on SpatVectorCollection |
extract pixel information from a raster based on vector footprint |
Filter data prior to continuum removal:
compute alpha and beta diversity metrics from pixel data corresponding to spectral species extracted from a window |
apply functional_window to a list of lists |
Computes BC dissimilarity for a given matrix |
Computes BC dissimilarity for a list of spectral species distributions |
get hdr name from image file name, assuming it is BIL format |
computes hill number from a distribution The Hill numbers quantify biodiversity. The importance of the abundance distribution increases with increasing Hill order. For q=0, the Hill number is the richness, for q=1, it is the exponential Shannon entropy and for q=2, it is the inverse Simpson index. Note that the Hill order can also be a fraction, e.g. 0.5. |
get spectral species distribution for all clusters, even those with null abundance |
computes shannon index from a distribution (faster than version implemented in vegan package) |
computes Simpson index from a distribution (faster than version implemented in vegan package) |
computes alpha diversity metrics from SSD |
This function gets path from an asset in the JSON file |
This function gets acquisition date from S2 image |
computes diversity metrics from validation plots |
get functional diversity metrics from dataframe This function was inspired from FD package |
gets rank of spectral bands in an image |
computes k-means from nbIter subsets taken from dataPCA |
Computes diversity metrics from raster data |
gets raster extent |
compute spectral species from inputdata |
eliminate windows with insufficient sunlit pixels |
get xy of pixels to sample from raster |
initialize PCoA for beta diversity mapping |
initialize PCoA for beta diversity mapping based on samples extracted from images |
Compute kmeans from random subset of pixels extracted from an image |
Compute kmeans from random subset of pixels extracted from an image |
computes kmeans for an iteration in biodivMapR |
applies results of ordination to full image based on nearest neighbors |
redefined chunks based on the max number of rows per chunk |
Function to perform MNF |
adjusts number of rows from chunks |
this function |
Function to perform PCA on a matrix |
compute PCoA using the cmdscale function original source: package labdsv |
Performs PCA for all images and create PCA file with either all or a selection of PCs |
prints an error message if problems occur |
design a matrix with window ID based on an original raster and window size in pixels |
Performs radiometric filtering based on three criteria: NDVI, NIR reflectance, Blue reflectance |
Performs radiometric filtering based on three criteria: NDVI, NIR reflectance, Blue reflectance |
performs random permutation for k samples among the vector defined by a original source: package labdsv |
Reads ENVI hdr file |
R equivalent of repmat (matlab) |
remove constant bands |
sample exact number of pixels from a raster |
sample pixels or plots from raster data |
sample set of pixels defined by row and col from raster data |
sample pixels or plots from raster data |
sample pixels from raster data |
save diversity maps as raster data |
produces a figure summarizing alpha and beta diversity on scatterplots |
Check if principal components are properly selected as expected by the method |
get spectral species corresponding to polygons in a SpatVector object |
split chunk into subsets to prepare for parallel processing |
ENVI functions |
this function aims at applying PCA on a raster or list of rasters in combination with the function apply_bigRaster |