Performs radiometric filtering based on three criteria: NDVI, NIR reflectance, Blue reflectance
input_mask_path = NULL,
NDVI_Thresh = 0.65,
Blue_Thresh = 500,
NIR_Thresh = 1500,
Blue = 480,
Red = 670,
NIR = 835,
maxRows = 1000,
filetype = "GTiff",
maskfilename = "mask_update"
character. Path of the image to be processed
character. Path for output directory
numeric. spectral bands used to identify relevant bands
character. Path of the mask corresponding to the image
numeric. NDVI threshold applied to produce a mask (select pixels with NDVI>NDVI_Thresh)
numeric. Blue threshold applied to produce a mask (select pixels with Blue refl < Blue_Thresh –> filter clouds) refl expected between 0 and 10000
numeric. NIR threshold applied to produce a mask (select pixels with NIR refl > NIR_Thresh) refl expected between 0 and 10000
numeric. central wavelength corresponding to the blue spectral band (in nanometers)
numeric. central wavelength corresponding to the red spectral band (in nanometers)
numeric. central wavelength corresponding to the NIR spectral band (in nanometers)
numeric. max number of rows in each block
character. GDAL driver
character. name of the updated mask file
MaskPath = updated mask file